About Us
Meet Morey Croson,
Founder of
The Performance Lab of California
- Started Performance Lab of California in 2014
- Since then has worked with hundreds of quarterbacks all over the world, primarily online.
- Bachelors Degree in Exercise and Biomechanics
- Championship Winning Quarterback in High School and College
- Passionate About Athletic Development and Helping People Achieve Their Dreams
- Committed To Exceeding Expectations for All Clients and Customers

Why choose Performance Lab of California?
Over the last 5 years, through our teaching of proper biomechanics, we have been able to help people of all ages with their athletic performance, prevent and rehab injuries, and most importantly get the results that our clients are looking for. By using the newest technology, we are able to assess, target, and apply our knowledge to help you perform at a higher level without experiencing any pain.
Our main focus is to find the cause of any weakness or injury and strengthen that area through a series of treatments and exercises. The Performance Lab of California has established itself as one of the top sports performance companies in Southern California.