PLC Blog

Sprinter Training: Best Leg Workouts To Get Faster run faster sprint mechanics Dec 13, 2023

Sprinters need a lot of power and stability when it comes to the lower body. There are multiple muscle groups utilized in sprinting but getting them all to work together is critical to running fast. Many sprinters struggle in being able to find effective lower body exercises to build power,...

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How To Prevent Overuse Injuries injury prevention Nov 29, 2023

We’ve all been there. You’re working hard in the gym, maybe throwing a football, pushing yourself to your limits, and then all of a sudden you feel that twinge in your shoulder. Or maybe you’ve been feeling pain in your knees for weeks now and you just can’t seem to...

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How To Increase Top Speed run faster speed speed development Nov 14, 2023


In pretty much every sport, top speed is an essential part of your success and/or your team’s success. My name is Morey Croson and I recently started consuming as much information as I could to help athletes increase their top speed.

A little over 5 years later I have become...

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Find the Perfect Quarterback Coach Near You: Enhance Your Game Today! Oct 11, 2023

Are you an aspiring quarterback with a burning passion for college football? Do you dream of leading your team to victory, executing flawless plays, and making an impact on the field? Whether you’re an experienced quarterback looking to fine-tune your skills or a newcomer eager to play...

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Speed Training in Los Angeles Jun 26, 2023

Improve Overall Sports Performance With Focused Speed Training

At The Performance Lab of California we put a focus on speed development for athletes by training the proper technique required to run faster. We are located in the Los Angeles area and work with a wide variety of different athletes...

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How To Run Faster: Improve Foot Contact Time run faster speed speed development May 26, 2023

When it comes to speed and developing athletes to run faster there is no one that thinks about it more than I do. Ever since going down this journey of finding the secrets of how to run faster there have been many great discoveries. The keys to how the foot hits the ground is amongst the most...

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How NFL Quarterbacks Throw So Far nfl quarterback Apr 15, 2023


The more I analyze the top quarterbacks in the national football league, the more evident it becomes that what truly separates them is their arm strength. The ability to make deep passes as well as underneath throws with excellent release times.

In this article we will be going over...

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Top Ways To Prevent Sports Injuries injury prevention Apr 11, 2023

As sports fans, we love to see our favorite athletes perform at the highest level. However, we don’t often think about the dangers that come with playing sports. Every year, millions of people are injured while playing sports. Many of these injuries could have been prevented if the players...

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How To Run Faster: Workout Training to Improve Running Speed speed Apr 05, 2023

There are many ways to improve your running speed and the best way is to incorporate speed training into your workouts. When you sign up for the speed training program at the Performance Lab of California, we will help you run faster by providing:

  1. A highly individualized training program that is...
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Secrets To Improving Speed: Knee Drive knee drive facts speed Mar 24, 2023

Why Coaching Knee Drive Does Not Work

Knee drive is a critical part of running but the overall thought process behind teaching knee drive is incorrect. Most people focus too much on “learning” knee drive rather than concentrating on the correct thought process to improve sprinting.


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8 Best Strength Training Exercises To Improve Speed exercises speed speed development Mar 13, 2023

Single Leg Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats

When you get to the bottom of the range of motion in an actual squat, a lot of times you find yourself in a little bit more of a flexed spine position in the lower back. In this exercise, you have a more neutral (extended) position in the spine, which...

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10 Best Plyometric Exercises for Speed exercises speed Mar 06, 2023

What are 10 plyometric exercises specifically designed for speed development?

Below are 10 plyometric exercises to specifically help speed by targeting power, balance, spine position and arm swing or a combination of all aspects in each exercise. When doing plyometric training to improve speed it...

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